Urban Terror Wiki
This page includes script files for Urban Terror.

Copy the script and paste it into a text editor. Then save it with a .cfg extension in your Game path. To execute, type /exec <script name> in Console.
For more information, see Installing Scripts.

See Category:Scripts & Configs for more information about scripts, scripting, and additional sample scripts.


by iynque[]

By default, Urban Terror allows you to use the mouse wheel to change weapons, but you can't select the knife that way. This script allows you to change weapons with the mouse wheel, including the knife.

This script assumes you want keys 1 though 5 to be bound to weapon selection in addition to the mouse wheel for weapon selection. You can simply remove the number binds if you don't want to use them. The script works regardless of whether the number binds are there.


//Wheel with knife
//Allows you to select weapon with the mouse wheel, including the knife
bind MWHEELUP       "vstr iy_wheelup"
bind MWHEELDOWN     "vstr iy_wheeldown"

//You can remove these binds and use the number keys for whatever
    bind 1          "vstr iy_weap01"
    bind 2          "vstr iy_weap02"
    bind 3          "vstr iy_weap03"
    bind 4          "vstr iy_weap04"
    bind 5          "vstr iy_weap05"

set iy_wheelup      "vstr iy_weap01"
set iy_wheeldown    "vstr iy_weap04"
set iy_weap01       "ut_weaptoggle knife;                                                                                               set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap02; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap05"
set iy_weap02       "ut_weaptoggle knife; ut_weaptoggle grenade;                                                                        set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap03; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap01"
set iy_weap03       "ut_weaptoggle knife; ut_weaptoggle grenade; ut_weaptoggle sidearm;                                                 set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap04; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap02"
set iy_weap04       "ut_weaptoggle knife; ut_weaptoggle grenade; ut_weaptoggle sidearm; ut_weaptoggle secondary;                        set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap05; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap03"
set iy_weap05       "ut_weaptoggle knife; ut_weaptoggle grenade; ut_weaptoggle sidearm; ut_weaptoggle secondary; ut_weaptoggle primary; set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap01; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap04"
//created by iynque
ut_echo ^7[^4iy_mwheel.cfg loaded^7];echo iy_mwheel.cfg loaded

by iynque[]

Same as the above script, but adds the bomb (bomb mode) to the mousewheel as well.


//Wheel with knife
//Allows you to select weapon with the mouse wheel, including the knife
bind MWHEELUP       "vstr iy_wheelup"
bind MWHEELDOWN     "vstr iy_wheeldown"
//You can remove these binds and use the number keys for whatever
    bind 1          "vstr iy_weap01"
    bind 2          "vstr iy_weap02"
    bind 3          "vstr iy_weap03"
    bind 4          "vstr iy_weap04"
    bind 5          "vstr iy_weap05"
    bind 6          "vstr iy_weap06"
set iy_wheelup      "vstr iy_weap01"
set iy_wheeldown    "vstr iy_weap04"
set iy_weap01       "ut_weaptoggle knife;                                                                                                                   set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap02; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap06"
set iy_weap02       "ut_weaptoggle knife; ut_weaptoggle grenade;                                                                                            set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap03; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap01"
set iy_weap03       "ut_weaptoggle knife; ut_weaptoggle grenade; ut_weaptoggle sidearm;                                                                     set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap04; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap02"
set iy_weap04       "ut_weaptoggle knife; ut_weaptoggle grenade; ut_weaptoggle sidearm; ut_weaptoggle secondary;                                            set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap05; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap03"
set iy_weap05       "ut_weaptoggle knife; ut_weaptoggle grenade; ut_weaptoggle sidearm; ut_weaptoggle secondary; ut_weaptoggle primary;                     set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap06; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap04"
set iy_weap06       "ut_weaptoggle knife; ut_weaptoggle grenade; ut_weaptoggle sidearm; ut_weaptoggle secondary; ut_weaptoggle primary; ut_weaptoggle bomb; set iy_wheelup vstr iy_weap01; set iy_wheeldown vstr iy_weap05"
//created by iynque
ut_echo ^7[^4iy_mwheel-bomb.cfg loaded^7];echo iy_mwheel.cfg loaded

Scripts & Configs