Urban Terror Wiki
This page includes script files for Urban Terror.

Copy the script and paste it into a text editor. Then save it with a .cfg extension in your Game path. To execute, type /exec <script name> in Console.
For more information, see Installing Scripts.

See Category:Scripts & Configs for more information about scripts, scripting, and additional sample scripts.


by ObScUrE[]

On key down, drops medkit. On key up, tells player under crosshair, "Pick up the medkit and medic me!"

set medkit_drop1                  "ut_itemdrop medkit; ut_echo ^0[^6medkit^0-^1drop^0]"
set medkit_drop2                  "tell_target ^7pick up the ^7[^1+^7]^2medkit ^7and ^6medic me!"
bind x                            "+vstr medkit_drop1 medkit_drop2"