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//"Single Player" offline mode, with bots.
//  Start from main menu by opening console and typing /exec iy_solitary (or whatever you named this file).
//  When the map starts, use /vstr iy_addbots

set bot_enable                                      "1"         //allow bots
set sv_maxclients                                   "16"        //make room for the bots, but not more than that
set sv_joinmessage  "^4Use ^3/vstr iy_addBots ^4to add bots"    //Message on join
set cg_msgTime                                      "10000"     //Time messages are displayed for (in milliseconds)
set rconpassword                                    "anything"  //sets an rcon password so you can use rcon commands

set g_gametype                                      "3"         // 0 = FreeForAll, 1 = Last Man Standing, 3 = TeamDeathMatch, 4 = Team Survivor, 5 = Follow The Leader, 6 = Capture And Hold, 7 = Capture The Flag, 8 = Bomb Mode, 9 = Jump Training
set g_gravity                                       "800"       // Gravity Level, higher number = lower jumps (Default = 800, popular settings for 'moon mode' : 300, 100).
set g_knockback                                     "1000"      // Knockback from a weapon, higher number = greater knockback. (Default = 1000)
set g_shuffleNoRestart                              "1"         // If set to 1 map will not be restart after shuffleteams
set g_inactivityAction                              "1"         // Specifies what to do when a player hit the inactivity time: 0 = kick, 1 = move to spectators
set timelimit                                       "20"        // Time in minutes before map is over. (0 = never)
set fraglimit                                       "100"       // Amount of points to be scored before map is over. (0 = never)
set g_warmup                                        "15"        //Allow time for all bots to spawn--60 seconds at start of match

set g_friendlyfire                                  "1"         // 0 = no friendlyfire, 1 = friendlyfire on, kick after too many TK's, 2 = friendlyfire on, no kicks
set g_maxteamkills                                  "3"         // Amount of TK's before you get kicked when g_friendlyfire is 1
set g_teamkillsforgettime                           "300"       // Amount of seconds before TK's are forgotten
set g_maintainteam                                  "1"         // When switching maps, players will stay in their team
set g_teamnamered                                   ""          // Name for the red team. Nothing = default team name
set g_teamnameblue                                  ""          // Name for the blue team. Nothing = default team name
set g_autobalance                                   "1"         // If set to a value higher than 0, the gamecode will balance current teams every X minutes. In survivor modes (BOMB, TS) the team balancing is done on every round end. (Default = 0)

//  FFA (0), TDM (3), CAH (6), CTF (7) GAMEPLAY SETTINGS
set g_respawnprotection                             "2"         // Amount of seconds a spawning players is protected from damage
set g_respawndelay                                  "3"         // Seconds before respawn, ignored when g_waverespawns is 1
set g_forcerespawn                                  "3"         // Seconds before respawn is forced, even when the player did not press fire
set g_waverespawns                                  "0"         // If set to 1 enable waverespawns, meaning everybody in a team respawns at the same time
set g_bluewave                                      "10"        // Seconds between blue team waverespawns, ignored when g_waverespawns is 0.
set g_redwave                                       "10"        // Seconds between red team waverespawns, ignored when g_waverespawns is 0.

//Bot teams by level
set iy_levelHard    "set iy_addBots vstr iy_addBotsGo; ut_echo ^7[^4Bot level set to ^1Hard^7];     set iy_bot001 addbot Boa 5 Red 65 5|Boa;set iy_bot002 addbot Cheetah 5 Red 65 5|Cheetah;set iy_bot003 addbot Chicken 5 Red 65 5|Chicken;set iy_bot004 addbot Cobra 5 Red 65 5|Cobra;set iy_bot005 addbot Cockroach 5 Red 65 5|Cockroach;set iy_bot006 addbot Cougar 5 Red 65 5|Cougar;set iy_bot007 addbot Goose 5 Red 65 5|Goose;set iy_bot008 addbot Mantis 5 Red 65 5|Mantis; set iy_bot009 addbot Penguin 5 Blue 65 5|Penguin;set iy_bot010 addbot Puma 5 Blue 65 5|Puma;set iy_bot011 addbot Python 5 Blue 65 5|Python;set iy_bot012 addbot Raven 5 Blue 65 5|Raven;set iy_bot013 addbot Scarab 5 Blue 65 5|Scarab;set iy_bot014 addbot Scorpion 5 Blue 65 5|Scorpion;set iy_bot015 addbot Tiger 5 Blue 65 5|Tiger;set iy_bot016 addbot Widow 5 Blue 65 5|Widow;vstr iy_addBotsGo"
set iy_levelMedium  "set iy_addBots vstr iy_addBotsGo; ut_echo ^7[^4Bot level set to ^)Medium^7];   set iy_bot001 addbot Boa 5 Red 65 5|Boa;set iy_bot002 addbot Cheetah 4 Red 65 4|Cheetah;set iy_bot003 addbot Chicken 4 Red 65 4|Chicken;set iy_bot004 addbot Cobra 3 Red 65 3|Cobra;set iy_bot005 addbot Cockroach 3 Red 65 3|Cockroach;set iy_bot006 addbot Cougar 2 Red 65 2|Cougar;set iy_bot007 addbot Goose 2 Red 65 2|Goose;set iy_bot008 addbot Mantis 1 Red 65 1|Mantis; set iy_bot009 addbot Penguin 5 Blue 65 5|Penguin;set iy_bot010 addbot Puma 4 Blue 65 4|Puma;set iy_bot011 addbot Python 4 Blue 65 4|Python;set iy_bot012 addbot Raven 3 Blue 65 3|Raven;set iy_bot013 addbot Scarab 3 Blue 65 3|Scarab;set iy_bot014 addbot Scorpion 2 Blue 65 2|Scorpion;set iy_bot015 addbot Tiger 2 Blue 65 2|Tiger;set iy_bot016 addbot Widow 1 Blue 65 1|Widow;vstr iy_addBotsGo"
set iy_levelEasy    "set iy_addBots vstr iy_addBotsGo; ut_echo ^7[^4Bot level set to ^2Easy^7];     set iy_bot001 addbot Boa 3 Red 65 3|Boa;set iy_bot002 addbot Cheetah 3 Red 65 3|Cheetah;set iy_bot003 addbot Chicken 3 Red 65 3|Chicken;set iy_bot004 addbot Cobra 2 Red 65 2|Cobra;set iy_bot005 addbot Cockroach 2 Red 65 2|Cockroach;set iy_bot006 addbot Cougar 1 Red 65 1|Cougar;set iy_bot007 addbot Goose 1 Red 65 1|Goose;set iy_bot008 addbot Mantis 1 Red 65 1|Mantis; set iy_bot009 addbot Penguin 3 Blue 65 3|Penguin;set iy_bot010 addbot Puma 3 Blue 65 3|Puma;set iy_bot011 addbot Python 3 Blue 65 3|Python;set iy_bot012 addbot Raven 2 Blue 65 2|Raven;set iy_bot013 addbot Scarab 2 Blue 65 2|Scarab;set iy_bot014 addbot Scorpion 1 Blue 65 1|Scorpion;set iy_bot015 addbot Tiger 1 Blue 65 1|Tiger;set iy_bot016 addbot Widow 1 Blue 65 1|Widow;vstr iy_addBotsGo"

//When no bot team is selected
set iy_noBot        "ut_echo ^7[^4No bot level selected.^7];ut_echo ^7[^4Do ^3/vstr iy_level^4<^3Easy^4|^3Medium^4|^3Hard^4>^7];ut_echo ^7[^4So, ^3/vstr iy_levelEasy ^4would spawn easy bots.^7]"

//Add bots
set iy_addBots      "vstr iy_noBot" //Picking a bot team changes this to vstr iy_addBotsGo--otherwise just asks you to pick a bot team
set iy_addBotsGo    "kick allbots; rcon pause; wait 145; ut_echo ^7[^4Loading Bots...^7]; vstr iy_bot001; wait 145; vstr iy_bot002; wait 145; vstr iy_bot003; wait 145; vstr iy_bot004; wait 145; vstr iy_bot005; wait 145; vstr iy_bot006; wait 145; vstr iy_bot007; wait 145; vstr iy_bot008; ut_echo ^7[^1Red ^4team bots added^7]; wait 145; vstr iy_bot009; wait 145; vstr iy_bot010; wait 145; vstr iy_bot011; wait 145; vstr iy_bot012; wait 145; vstr iy_bot013; wait 145; vstr iy_bot014; wait 145; vstr iy_bot015; wait 145; vstr iy_bot016; ut_echo ^7[^(Blue ^4team bots added^7]; wait 145; shuffleteams; rcon bigtext ^2Teams_Shuffled;rcon pause"

//Choose a map by uncommenting ONE of the following lines.
//Map can be changed by typing '/devmap <mapname>' in console.
//These maps are good-ish for playing with bots. Feel free to try adding any map you like.

//  devmap ut4_Abbey
//  devmap ut4_Algiers
//  devmap ut4_Austria
    devmap ut4_DressingRoom
//  devmap ut4_Mandolin
//  devmap ut4_Riyadh
//  devmap ut4_Prague
//  devmap ut4_Toxic
//  devmap ut4_Uptown

//created by iynque
ut_echo ^7[^4iy_solitary.cfg loaded^7];echo iy_solitary.cfg loaded