Urban Terror Wiki

Requires Script: iy_numbinds.cfg saved in the same location.


//Jump mode settings
//  Down arrow saves (and suppresses accidental load)
//  Up arrow loads (and suppresses accidental save)
//  Right arrow regains stamina
//  Left arrow shows playerlist. Push a player's number to
//      warp to their position, or push left arrow again to cancel.
//  Hold down left arrow and press right arrow to toggle whether 
//      you allow other players to go-to you.
//  Hold down left arrow and press up arrow to toggle cg_ghost on/off.

exec iy_numbinds.cfg                                                            //Rebinds for when number keys are taken over

set g_gametype      "9"                                                         //Set gametype to 9, jump mode--doesn't matter for joining a jump server, but if you /devmap offline, you'll want jump mode set
set cg_ghost        "1"                                                         //Pass through other players (so you don't block anyone's jump). You'll have to turn this off (set to 0) if you want to stand on someone for a "boost" :)
set cg_speedo       "3"                                                         //0=off, 1=UPS: Quake units per second, 2=KPH: Kilometers per hour, 3=MPH: Miles per hour
set gear            "FNAAVTX"                                                   //PSG-1, Beretta 92G, laser sight, Medkit, Extra Ammo, NO KEVLAR VEST
                                                                                //  PSG: Zoom/scope is occasionally useful
                                                                                //  Beretta: Has most ammo of any sidearm--marking walls with bullets is occasionally useful
                                                                                //  Laser: So you can "point" at stuff for other players
                                                                                //  Medkit: So you can heal players who fall and hurt themselves, and also be healed to 90% by anyone
                                                                                //  Extra ammo: May as well have extra ammo, right?
                                                                                //  NO KEVLAR VEST: This is the most important. Kevlar is the only equipment that effects stamina, and it cuts your stamina in half!

//Key Binds
bind DOWNARROW      "+vstr iy_downarrowDN iy_downarrowUP"                       //On key down, save position & supress accidental load keypress, On key up, restore ability to load
bind UPARROW        "+vstr iy_uparrowDN iy_uparrowUP"                           //On key down, load position & supress accidental save keypress, On key up, restore ability to save
bind RIGHTARROW     "vstr iy_recover"                                           //Regain stamina
bind LEFTARROW      "+vstr iy_leftarrowDN iy_leftarrowUP"                       //On key down, start goto function, enable up and right toggles while key is down, On key up, restore up and right functions to normal

set iy_downarrowDN  "vstr iy_jumpsave"                                          //On key down, save position & supress accidental load keypress
set iy_downarrowUP  "set iy_uparrowDN vstr iy_jumpload"                         //On key up, restore ability to load
set iy_uparrowDN    "vstr iy_jumpload"                                          //On key down, load position & supress accidental save keypress
set iy_uparrowUP    "set iy_downarrowDN vstr iy_jumpsave"                       //On key up, restore ability to save

set iy_jumpload     "load;play sound\ctf\return.wav;set iy_downarrowDN ut_echo ^7[^4Save Supressed^7]"  //load position & supress accidental save keypress
set iy_jumpsave     "save;play sound\misc\menu2.wav;set iy_uparrowDN ut_echo ^7[^4Load Supressed^7]"    //save position & supress accidental load keypress

set iy_leftarrowDN  "vstr iy_goto;bind RIGHTARROW vstr iy_allowgoto; set iy_uparrowDN vstr iy_toggleGhost"  //On key down, start goto function, enable up and right toggles while key is down
set iy_leftarrowUP  "bind RIGHTARROW vstr iy_recover; set iy_uparrowDN vstr iy_jumpload"                    //On key up, restore up and right functions to normal

set iy_toggleGhost  "vstr iy_ghostOFF"
set iy_ghostON      "set cg_ghost 1;play sound\misc\menu2.wav;ut_echo ^7[^4Ghost mode ^2ON^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart; vstr iy_rebind; set iy_toggleGhost vstr iy_ghostOFF"  //Turn ghost mode on, exit out of goto mode
set iy_ghostOFF     "set cg_ghost 0;play sound\misc\menu2.wav;ut_echo ^7[^4Ghost mode ^1OFF^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart; vstr iy_rebind; set iy_toggleGhost vstr iy_ghostON"  //Turn ghost mode off, exit out of goto mode
set iy_recover      "regainstamina;play sound\misc\menu2.wav"                   //Regain stamina
set iy_allowgoto    "allowgoto; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart; vstr iy_rebind"  //Toggle allowgoto on or off, exit out of goto mode

set iy_goto         "vstr iy_gotoStart"

set iy_gotoStart    "set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStarted; bind 0 vstr iy_goto0;bind 1 vstr iy_goto1;bind 2 vstr iy_goto2;bind 3 vstr iy_goto3;bind 4 vstr iy_goto4;bind 5 vstr iy_goto5;bind 6 vstr iy_goto6;bind 7 vstr iy_goto7;bind 8 vstr iy_goto8;bind 9 vstr iy_goto9;playerlist;ut_echo ^7[^4Go to number?^7];play sound\misc\menu2.wav" //bind number keys to goto commands, change left arrow to cancel goto mode, show playerlist
set iy_gotoStarted  "set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart; vstr iy_cancel"             //Cancels out of goto mode--this is what happens when you press the goto key a second time

set iy_goto0        "goto 0; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^30^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 0 and reset goto mode
set iy_goto1        "goto 1; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^31^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 1 and reset goto mode
set iy_goto2        "goto 2; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^32^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 2 and reset goto mode
set iy_goto3        "goto 3; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^33^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 3 and reset goto mode
set iy_goto4        "goto 4; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^34^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 4 and reset goto mode
set iy_goto5        "goto 5; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^35^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 5 and reset goto mode
set iy_goto6        "goto 6; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^36^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 6 and reset goto mode
set iy_goto7        "goto 7; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^37^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 7 and reset goto mode
set iy_goto8        "goto 8; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^38^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 8 and reset goto mode
set iy_goto9        "goto 9; vstr iy_rebind; ut_echo ^7[^4Going to ^39^7]; set iy_goto vstr iy_gotoStart;play sound\world\jumppad.wav"      //goto player 9 and reset goto mode

//created by iynque
ut_echo ^7[^4iy_jumpset.cfg loaded^7];echo iy_jumpset.cfg loaded